It has been quite some time since I played the original xenopod... and wow... its horrible, lol. I have to give myself some small amount of credit for even trying, but omg the actionscript, graphics, and music suck the big one... at least to what is currently in the works. Only problem is that the remake (more like complete overhaul) may take longer then expected due to the amount of actionscript I need to make the first chapter. How long? I do not know at this time, because I still need to animate monsters, design weapons, create effects, and finish the layout. So far all I have is a test level with the main character, snow effects, and music.
Sad truth is the Horror Scape has a lot done on it, and I kinda dropped it. I guess I am kinda tired of trying to get Marty to stop jumping when his (x,y) position touches a 90degree angle platform corner. Somehow I managed to fix the same problem in Xenopod back in January of 09, but I don't remember where and how... Wish I left a note in the code for this problem... :/
I will upload some images in an update, but right now I have a lot of things I need to get done with graphics and movement. I need to change "all" the arrow key functions to WASD controls, for the player's ease.
Once I get the first chapter done, I may just go back to Horror Scape and release the first chapter of that. Again... its actually got quite a bit finished, just need to add a few more monsters, villains, levels, movies, voices, and create all new track with GarageBand... which, btw, is the grandest damned music creation software ever... when you get the expansion packs... It rocks balz. No more casio keyboard and sony acid recordings anymore... thank God.
Anyway, I will come back with more updates bout either game. I am glad I got back into it, because I have noticed that I was beginning to lose my coding knowledge before I got back to work on Horror Scape in October.