Hi everyone, I know it has been some time, but I figured that it is about time to keep ya'll up to date on the current situation/development of Xenopod AoC. Things are going well, the story is taking a major change, graphics style has been changed, and character design may be changed as well... in all... I am pretty much starting from scratch. But, no need to worry. As long as Xenoscry (Writer) gets the story for the first chapter of AoC completed and I get some voice acting, the game will be "FAR" closer to completed. Excellent says I !!!
Anyway... I will upload a picture of a more recent screenshot. I have done some particle coding with the actionscript, and that seems to be going fairly well. Wish me luck when it comes down to beta testing the first chapter, and praying that there are no major glitches.... oy...
Besides that stuff! I have been gradually adding more and more stuff to the Horror Scape idea that brews in my mind. Although I am stoked for AoC to finally get some work done and shine a definite release, Horror Scape is just... well... "That game". It was a mistake that was fun as hell to put together, and then play. Horror Scape's gameplay is still under development.... I have been having an extremely difficult time trying to think between a turned-based RPG, or a traditional side-scroller. Part of me wants to keep it to it's origin and go with the traditional stuff, but having the game play as an RPG would be pretty fun and interesting too. Only problem is coming up with a save system for such a thing. Would hate to make a game that has no save system, and requires players to beat the game in one long run.
Although I would love to post some more info, I am quite tired. I will leave you all with a screenshot that I will take.... right... now!
Lemme remind you that the animation you see is old. It was intended for the release that was supposed to happen a year ago. Although I love the animation and quality... it just does not fit what I want to display. Let alone.... its a little easier to draw animations in flash.... just a little...
Also... I may be fixing up the code in the Origional Horror Scape soon. I want to make it have a lot more flare and such. May end up completely rebuilding the code, since it is trashy :/
I may also animate the characters differently, so keep up with my updates here, and eventually you may see a release for the rebuild of the first Horror Scape game. May add more voice acting and such.... I may actually turn it into the offical story version. Kinda gets me excited, especially to remake the levels... Anyway, keep in touch