Getting back to work on Horror Scape. My story writer for Xenopod has more important things to worry about at this time... But thats ok, because its got me back into wrapping up Horror Scape's First Chapter, and i'm getting excited. Within the past 2 days I made an entire collection of tracks with Garage Band, Began work on the second part of the tutorial, changed the beginning intro, and added some addition code. It still feels like a while away, but the beautiful thing is that I have it "ALL" planned out now. After making all the music, I know exactly where and when I want the tracks and movie to happens. I guess this was kinda a blessing, because Horror Scape was confusing me for a while... still may change a few things, there are a few things I mention in the 1st tutorial that I am beginning to believe is irrelevant to the story... or at least something I don't want... Then again... Hmmm....
I am trying to get in more time on Horror Scape, only thing that is getting in my way is the pain in my wrist from sitting in front of my Mac for several hours a day. Composing the music, designing the art, typing the code, and animating the characters can cause a lot of problems with that issue...
1st chapter is currently at 3.25mb. Thats 3 tracks at medium settings, half of 1/3 of the textures, 1/3 the character design and animation, 2 movies, an intro and menu system, preloader, 3 sound fx files, and 5 voice files.
I am missing quite a lot, so I may have to drop settings on the sound fx. If I can make it under the 10mb mark with everything I have, then things will be fine. I want to make sure that the music is at least medium quality, it expresses a lot in each area of the game.
There will be 3 sections of this chapter. Meaning there will be 3 different location that include levels. Not 3 levels, like the original. I plan on making the game 15-20 minutes in length, if not more.
I would like to post a Screenshot, but I decided that at this point I will save everything for the finished product.
Thanks for reading
Tony (CrippledPig)