Ok, I know that it has been a long time since the last time I posted, but I do have some awesome things to state!!! I mean... AWESOME!
AWESOME things...
1) After a long year of college and c++ programming I have beaten my old actionscript, and now I can do far more then before. hit tests are far superior, jumping is far better, and plenty more to come. I'm excited!
2) I finaly have decided that I will no longer change the story of XenoPod, every time I rethink the story it makes everything I have worthless. So I'm pulling out the dusty images from last year, still looks great.
3) Now that I finally have some free time, I'm spending all my normal gaming time on XenoPod. I really want this game displayed on New Grounds, and I think people will love it.
I do not currently have a date for the demo, but since I have almost all the images, everything should be simple from here on out... except for animated enemies... that will take time... :(
So everything is going well, and as a side project during school I went ahead and began on Horror Scape. Graphics on Horror Scape are Flash graphics, so no jazzy looking graphics like XenoPod. But then again... Horror Scape is a Cartoon World. But anyway, XenoPod AoC is currently in the works, and is looking great.
Want to thank everyone who had to bare with me during the past year, it has been highly stressful. So do not think that this will be a waste, XenoPod will be complete, I just need to make sure that I get it right.
Thanks again!